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Category: Ed Tech

Ed Tech Companies Hiring Despite the Investment Cliff

How is the Ed Tech industry being affected by the decline of investment in the broader technology sector? Given the headlines about big tech layoffs, should professionals be worried about starting or continuing a career in the Ed Tech industry? In this blog, we explore the answers to these questions. While changing financial conditions are a reality for any industry, our experience confi...

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The 5 Biggest Challenges for Ed Tech Hiring

The Ed Tech industry is a unique and exciting space, defined by a diversity of talent coming from sources ranging from gaming, to education, to B2B SaaS. This unique breadth of talent also creates some unique challenges for hiring. We explain some of the most important challenges in this blog. What makes Ed Tech hiring challenging? As a leading executive search firm in the Ed Tech indust...

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Want to work for an Ed Tech unicorn?

Are unicorns imaginary creatures? Not in the Ed Tech industry. Ed Tech unicorns are very real and they can be an exciting place to build the Ed Tech career of your dreams. In this blog, we explain why. What are tech unicorns? In short, “unicorn” is a term that has long been used to describe the dream outcome of any startup founder: a valuation of over $1 billion before becoming publicly ...

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Category: EdTech

Surveying Ed Tech in the Silicon Hills of Austin, Texas

Austin, Texas has rapidly emerged as a notable center for Ed Tech enterprises. Benefitting from the tailwinds of a decades’ long expansion in Texas, a home-grown talent pipeline at UT-Austin, and a growing reputation as a regional tech hub (The New York Times recently profiled the booming "Silicon Hills" economy), the state capital is a natural fit for Ed Tech enterprises and talent. The...

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Category: Recruiting Tips

3 Steps to the Perfect Job Description

Vetting is central to the hiring process in any industry. Only by evaluating candidates in a systematic way is it possible to identify the right candidate for the job. But when exactly does the vetting process begin? Conventional wisdom suggests that vetting starts after receiving a critical mass of applications for the position. To hire with maximum velocity, however, it’s critical to b...

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Category: Recruiting Tips

Paving a De-Risked Road to Ed Tech Talent: Retained vs Contingent Fee Search

Ed Tech leaders looking to enlist the assistance of an executive search firm face the choice between two basic options for structuring this relationship: Retained Executive Search: In this model, the client pays an upfront fee for an end-to-end consultative relationship covering every phase of the hiring process, including strategy, sourcing, evaluation, and final selection, hiring, and ...

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Category: Hiring tips

How CRO’s Are Leading a New Model for Revenue Management

Companies in Ed Tech and beyond are learning to think more holistically about revenue generation. HighFive has seen this trend up close: we have successfully closed multiple searches that reflect an accelerated market interest in talented professionals capable of filling a Chief Revenue Office role. The budding interest in this relatively new c-suite title is indicative of a broader tran...

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Demystifying Equity in Ed Tech Hiring: A Practical Guide

Equity plays a central role in management-level compensation for Ed Tech startups. Granting equity stakes to startup-stage talent not only helps defray the present cash cost of compensation but ideally helps align the long-term incentives of the employee and employer. This article presents a focused overview of equity (a term that can accurately be used interchangeably with “stock”) in E...

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Category: EdTech

EdTech 101: A Guide to The Education Technology Industry

Ed Tech is one of the hottest fields in the greater tech sector. Individuals who are new to the industry or making a career pivot between roles within Ed Tech need a bird’s eye view of the industry, but don’t know where to start, spending many hours researching the field.. This blog provides a quick onboarding tool for this mission-focused industry, with a focus on the potential for rewa...

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Category: Hiring tips

Guerilla Hiring in Ed Tech: Tips and Tactics

A Strategic Primer by HighFive Partners. Leaders of Ed Tech startups face a constant imperative to make quality hires to support growth, scale up vital business units, and begin defining the desired company culture. They’re facing this challenge in a hyper-competitive hiring market where Ed Tech startups have to win top talent while competing against bigger companies with more capital an...

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